Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1st timers...

So moved by another's blogging, we have decided to become bloggers too...  Using the electronic medium to delve further into ourselves and others...It seems sort of cliche that it would take an electronic posting to incite in us (Me) a desire to touch on our own feelings and attempt to communicate what we(I) feel by posting on the internet.  I am Matt Everett and I have approved this message. Of course I ran this by the committee for communications (i.e. my wife, aka Renee, aka Hot Mama, aka Boss lady, aka 51% vote) which also approved the message.  


Candace Smartt said...

Tell us more...tell us more!

Stuart said...

Well now I have 2 reasons to log in each day: one to write on my blog, and two -- to check yours! Keep it comin'. And make sure you listen to your heart before you type. :)

Stuart said...

Dang! Are you gonna leave us hangin' this long every time, or what?! Give us a glimpse... just a nibble will do.

Candace and Stuart said...

Seriously...come on! It's time or an update already!

Kris McDaniel said...
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Kris McDaniel said...

Give us some insight, guys! That's quite a picture.. it looks like Renee is in a wedding dress and Matt's in a swimming suit (hopefully... but all we can see is the hairy chest. Nice work... but we need some words!